I recently completed the MSc in Fusion Energy at the University of York after working for a technology consultancy in Cambridge for over two years. I have a BSc in Theoretical Physics from Imperial College London, having graduated in 2018. I am now beginning a PhD at the University of York.
My project is titled “Non-linear modelling of performance limiting MHD and disruptions in spherical tokamaks”. I will be studying important instabilities — such as neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) — that may lead to disruption events in spherical tokamaks such as MAST-U and the upcoming STEP reactor. Disruption mitigation is important to avoid damaging critical components in a tokamak, such as the first wall and the toroidal field coils.
The project will involve analysing data from MAST-U to understand how NTMs lead to disruptions. I will be extending existing computational models to account for the spherical geometry in MAST-U and compare their output to experimental data. I will also be exploring existing theoretical models which explain the role of NTMs in disruptions. The output of the project will inform strategies to mitigate disruptions in future MAST-U operations and has the potential to aid with the design for STEP.
My supervisors are Professor Jonathan Graves and Dr. Christopher Ham.