On Wednesday 24th May 2017, the three nuclear energy EPSRC doctoral training centres collaborated to hold a high profile event which combined industry, education, and research. The collaboration included, the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral training in the Science and Technology of Fusion Energy, the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Fission- Next Generation Nuclear and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy. The event was hosted at the University of York.
The theme of the event was “Exploring the challenges of reducing the size and capital cost of nuclear power units and the role of Government, industry, national labs and academia in meeting these challenges”. The concept was to bring together students and academics from the partner universities (York, Oxford, Liverpool, Manchester, Durham, Sheffield, Leeds, Lancaster, Imperial, Cambridge, OU) with key stakeholders from industry and other external bodies (such as Rolls Royce, National Nuclear Laboratory, UKAEA, CCFE), to foster discussions, research ideas, and links around the topic of compact nuclear. The aim is primarily to connect the students from the partner institutions with key nuclear industries and secondly to stimulate collaborations between industry, academia, and national labs. This type of event is an important part of the mission of CDTs: to create relationships and discussions that are wider than the topic of a single CDT, sharing of best practice, and interacting with key external stakeholders in industry and national laboratories.
The agenda and further information about the keynote speakers can be found on the York Plasma Institute website.