
Editor-in-Chief Choice Award winner

Congratulations to Phil Bradford who has been awarded the Editor-in-Chief Choice Award in the High Power Laser Science and Engineering journal, for the paper titled “EMP control and characterization on high-power laser systems” published in 2018 by his research group. Phil is a third year Fusion CDT student based at University of York.

HPL is hosted by Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chinese Optical Society, and published by Chinese Laser Press and Cambridge University Press. The Editor-in-Chief Choice Award is established to encourage authors to contribute their new and important results to HPL, and is bestowed to the author(s) of the yearly best paper. The Editor-in-Chief Choice Award-winning papers are selected by a panel of experts including Editors-in-Chief of HPL. The papers are evaluated based on the quality, downloads, citations, and the importance of the work to the field. Phil will receive a certificate and bonus of 10 000 CNY, the award ceremony will be held during the 4rd International Symposium on High Power Laser Science and Engineering in April 2020 in Suzhou, China.

Well done Phil!