The fee is £1,100 exempt from VAT per person for each week of the programme (i.e. £2,200 per person for the full two-week programme) The fee covers:
- all taught aspects of the programme
- refreshments and lunch each day
- the Welcome Reception on the Monday evenings
- the School dinner on the Wednesday evenings
- a shuttle bus from Oxford Centre to Culham Centre for Fusion Energy and back for the site tour.
Not included:
- Accommodation at York & Oxford – this is to be arranged and paid for separately by delegates. We are currently talking to hotels to see whether we can obtain some discounted rates for you
- Evening meals (except for the dinner on Wednesday)
- Parking. Neither of the venues have any parking on site. Please use local car parks, look for accomodation nearby which has parking, or arrive by public transport. In York, the Park and Ride services are a good option if you are staying outside the city centre.
Any surplus funds will be used in support of future Fusion Industry School events, as well as to fund initiatives that support the ambitions of the Fusion CDT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy.
Cancellation Terms
Registrations can be cancelled up to 10th May for the York week and 30th August for the Oxford Week, but will be subject to a £100 administration charge (per person per week). We must receive your cancellation by email to fis-enquiries@york.ac.uk by 5pm on the date above. After these dates, the full cost of the place will be payable. You will be able to transfer your place to a colleague free of charge up to the day of the event. Again, please let us know at the email above.
Carers Fund
We have funding in place to support delegates who have additional costs for attending the Fusion Industry School as a consequence of caring responsibilities (e.g. additional childcare costs). View the details and apply at: Carer’s Fund
Oxfordshire Week: Deadline 12 noon Friday 30th August 2024
Once we have processed your registration form you will receive a confirmation of booking from us and details of how to pay for your places. If you have any queries about registration please give us a call on 01904 326764 or email fis-enquiries@york.ac.uk